//Brennan Wilkes
import React from "react";
import "../bootstrap-import.js";
import axios from "axios";
import "./iconView.css";
//capitalization one liner using regex
const capitalize = s => String(s).toLowerCase().replace(/(?:^|\s|["'([{])+\S/g, l => l.toUpperCase());
An icon preview view for a drink recipe
@memberof frontend
@extends React.Component
class DrinkIcon extends React.Component{
Binds methods
@param {any[]} Must contain a click callback and full drink details. Details should be gathered at parent level
this.state = this.props.drinkInfo;
Renders a icon view of the drink, using the drink image and name
return <>
<div className="iconWrapper" onClick={event=>{
<img className="iconItem" src={this.state.imgURL} />
<div><h3 className="h6 bg-secondary text-light" >{capitalize(this.state.name)}</h3></div>
export default DrinkIcon;