@namespace backend
@since 23/10/2020
@version 1.0
@author Brennan Wilkes
const express = require('express');
const path = require("path");
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
//Load backend config vars here
const CONFIG = require(path.join(__dirname,"..", "..","config","backend.json"));
Prints to stdout if verbose config mode is set
@param {string[]} content Content strings to print
@memberof backend
const print = (...content) => {
if(CONFIG.verbose) console.log(...content);
exports.print = print
Server abstration object
@memberof backend
const server = {
Port to use. Defaults to a "PORT" env variable if set (For heroku and other deployment methods),
otherwise uses the port set in the config file. Defaults to 8080.
@type {number}
port : process.env.PORT || CONFIG.port || 8080,
Express init object
@type {object}
app: express(),
Creates a promise based express route.
This abstraction makes repetitive routing more robust.
Handles errors by default.
@param {string} path URI to listen for
@param {function} function A function which should return a promise to evaluate. The resolution value will be sent to the client with 200. Errors will be sent with 409.
@param {string} method Routing method. Defaults to GET.
//Cleanup path URI
path = path.substring(0,1) === "/" ? path : "/"+path;
//Set up route
this.app[method](path, (req,res) => {
//Run promise method
promise(req).then(data => {
//Send results to client
}).catch(error => {
//Error handling
res.send("<h1>Internal Error</h1><br>"+error);
print(`Setup ${method} route for ${path}`);
Basic express setup.
Sets JSON encoding, url encoded bodies and static routing.
Should be run prior to any routing.
// support json encoded bodies
// support encoded bodies
this.app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
//Static routing for public files
this.app.use('/', express.static(path.join(__dirname,"..", "..", "public")));
Starts the webserver.
This method should be run last, after init and routing.
//Create 404 messages for all uncaught routes
this.app.get('*', (req, res) =>{
print("Received invalid GET request for",req.url);
res.writeHead(404, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
res.write("<h1>404: If you see this, it's already too late!</h1>");
//Initialize the server socket and start the webserver
this.server = this.app.listen(this.port, () => {
print('server is listening on port', this.server.address().port);
exports.server = server;