@namespace island-generator
@since 05/06/2020
@version 1.0
@author Brennan Wilkes
@author 100322326
//JSDOCS generation command
//jsdoc -d documentation/ island.js osi.js name_list.js
//------------------------------------HELPER FUNCTIONS--------------------------------------
Calculates the distance from a point to the center of a region
@param {number} x x coordinate
@param {number} y y coordinate
@param {number} w width of region
@param {number} h height of region
@returns {number} distance from x,y to the center of w,h
@memberof island-generator
function region_dist(x,y,w,h){
return Math.max(normalize(0.5-Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(0.5-(x/w)),2)+Math.pow(Math.abs(0.5-(y/h)),2)),0,0.5),0);
normalize a value to between 0 and 1 based on min and max
@param {number} val Initial value to normalize
@param {number} min Minimum bound to normalize by
@param {number} max Maximum bound to normalize by
@returns {number} val normalized by min and max
@memberof island-generator
function normalize(val, min, max){
return (val-min)/(max-min);
nomralize a 2d array to between 0 and 1 based on min and max
@param {number} arr Array of values to normalize
@param {number} minHeight Minimum bound to normalize by
@param {number} maxHeight Maximum bound to normalize by
@returns {number} Array of updated normalized values
@memberof island-generator
function normalize_2d_array(arr,minHeight,maxHeight){
for(let x=0;x<arr.length;x++){
for(let y=0;y<arr[x].length;y++){
arr[x][y] = normalize(arr[x][y],minHeight, maxHeight);
return arr;
Generates a perlin noise map based on parameters
@param {number} width Width of the noise map
@param {number} height Height of the noise map
@param {number} scale Scale to view the base noise map layers. Higher scale values produced more "random" noise, while lower values produce more coherent results.
@param {number} oct Number of octaves to generate. Each octave will contribute less to the overall noise map. More octaves means more expensive calculations, but more detailed noise maps.
@param {number} persist The persistence of each octave to effect the overall noise map. Adjusts each octaves amplitude.
@param {number} lac The lacunarity to apply to each octave. Adjusts each octaves frequency, which determines level of detail. Higher lacunarity creates more "detailed" "random" noise, while lower values creates more abstract shapes.
@param {number} seed Seed value
@param {boolean} normalize If the noise map should be normalized by it's min and max values to create a smoother more real gradient. Defaults to true. If left false, will record the min and max values as attributes of the return arrary for future normalization.
@returns {number[]} A 2d array of perlin noise. If normalize was set to false, the min and max values are recorded in attributes minHeight and maxHeight.
@memberof island-generator
function gen_noise_map(width, height, scale, oct, persist, lac, seed, normalize=true){
//Seed the perlin noise module.
let xx,yy;
let map = new Array(width);
let maxHeight = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
let minHeight = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for(let x=0;x<width;x++){
map[x] = new Array(height);
for(let y=0;y<height;y++){
//initialize at coordinate
map[x][y] = 0;
let amp = 1;
let freq = 1;
//iterate over octaves
for(let i=0; i < oct; i++){
//adjust coordinates
xx = x / scale * freq
yy = y / scale * freq;
//generate base noise
map[x][y] += (noise.perlin2(xx, yy)*2-1) * amp;
//update modifiers
amp *= persist;
freq *= lac;
//update minimax
maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, map[x][y]);
minHeight = Math.min(minHeight, map[x][y]);
//Record min and max values
map.minHeight = minHeight;
map.maxHeight = maxHeight;
//normalize and return
return normalize ? normalize_2d_array(map,minHeight,maxHeight) : map;
Generates an HTML canvas rgb formatted string from three channel values
@param {number} r Red channel
@param {number} g Green channel
@param {number} b Blue channel
@returns {string} HTML canvas rgb formatted string
@memberof island-generator
function rgb(r,g,b){
return "rgb("+r+", "+g+", "+b+")";
A basic insecure 64bit hash. Hashes a number by repeatedly applying bitwise operations, and salting by each digit of the original number. I've chosen some magic numbers to left shift by, 16, 19, 26, 13, purely through trial and error to get good results. This hash is by no means secure, and should not be used for encryption purposes, but for my purpose of "randomizing" seed values, and generating "random" results (that of course are not actually random, and will unfold the same way every time for the same seed), this works excellently.
@param {number} num Initial number to salt hash with.
@returns {number} 64bit hash salted by the initial passed number
@memberof island-generator
function hash(num){
//Start with "seemingly" random bits
let hash = 0x12345678;
//Iterate over every digit
while (num > 0) {
//XOR the hash by the OR product of the hash shifted by 16 and 19 bits
hash ^= (hash << 16) | (hash << 19);
//Salt with the current digit
hash += num % 10;
//XOR the hash by the OR product of the hash shifted by 26 and 13 bits
hash ^= (hash << 26) | (hash << 13);
//Crop off the end digit
num = num / 10;
return Math.abs(hash);
Generates a lighting value for a coordinate based on a passed predetermined scaler, and the coordinates distance and height differential to a peak coordinate. This value will range between 0 and 1, and directly maps to the required opacity value of the rendered shadow
@param {number[]} peak a three element array repersenting the x coordinate, y coordinate, and height value of the peak casting shadows
@param {number[]} coord a three element array repersenting the x coordinate, y coordinate, and height value of the pixel which a shadow is being rendered over
@param {number} time Scaler value to determine max shadow length
@returns a float between 0 and 1 directly mapping to an opacity value to render the pixel's shadow at
@memberof island-generator
function get_lighting(peak,coord,time){
//Remove structure metadata
let val0 = (has_structure(peak[2]) ? strip_metadata(peak[2]) : peak[2]);
let val1 = (has_structure(coord[2]) ? strip_metadata(coord[2]) : coord[2]);
//Calculate value and return
return (val0-val1+0.2)*(1-(Math.pow(distance(peak,coord),1.25)/time));
Calculates the distance from a to b
@param {number} a
@param {number} b
@returns distance from a to b
@memberof island-generator
function distance(a,b){
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b[0]-a[0],2)+Math.pow(b[1]-a[1],2));
Essentially a lookup table to determine the index of the colour to render a pixel height value at. If the pixel contains structure metadata,
a value of 4 is returned for special behaviour. This is used for shadow casting. Otherwise, the return value maps to the island::colours[v][0] hexidecimal colour code. The order of the indexes determines the base rules for shadow casting.
@param {number} height Height value to lookup
@returns Index of colour value, or 4 for structure meta data.
@memberof island-generator
function colour_round(height){
return 4;
else if(height <0.1){
return 0;
else if(height <0.3){
return 1;
else if(height < 0.35){
return 2;
else if(height < 0.45){
return 3;
else if(height < 0.6){
return 5;
else if(height < 0.75){
return 6;
else if(height < 0.885 && height > 0.875){
return 9;
else if(height < 0.925){
return 8;
return 7;
Determines if a height value contains structure meta data. Height values are numbers between 0 and 1. (Actually a lie, as they can exceed 1, but for abstract purposes you can consider them a float between 0 and 1). This leaves the integer portion of the number unused, so I use it to contain meta data about the pixel, by salting it with a magic integer when a structure is at that coordinate.
@param {number} val height value to check
@returns boolean if val contains strucutre metadata
@memberof island-generator
function has_structure(val){
return (Math.floor(val)%STRUCTURE_META === 0 && Math.floor(val) > 0);
Strips a height value of it's structure metadata in order to be better used by the shadow renderer. See {@link has_structure} for more information
@param {number} val value to be stripped
@returns val stripped of metadata
@memberof island-generator
function strip_metadata(val){
//While this mimics modulo, for some reason simply returning val % STRUCTURE_META yielded incorrect results
while(val > STRUCTURE_META){
return val;
Downloads static PNG data as a file using dynamic html.
@param {string} png raw static PNG data
@param {string} name Name to save file as
@memberof island-generator
function downloadStaticPNG(png,name){
//Create a link
let link = document.createElement('a');
//Set the download attribute to the file name
//Set the href attribute to the raw png data
link.setAttribute('href', png);
Scale factor. Higher values results in more pixelated images
@type {number}
@memberof island-generator
Magic number for structure meta data. Can be any magic number, just has to be unique
@type {number}
@memberof island-generator
const STRUCTURE_META = 36;
Sprite scale factor
@type {number}
@memberof island-generator
const SPRITE_SIZE = 8;
//-------------------------------------ISLAND SETTINGS CLASS------------------------------------------
@class Island settings class to store default values for all settings, as well as give the ability to generate custom islands with modified settings. This achieves the same thing as passing many values into the island constructor, and giving them defaults, but is more readable (Otherwise I'd be putting 250 lines worth of parameters into one constructor!! Madness!), and allows for better customization flexibility. Many of these values are constants that shouldn't be changed, and obviously none of these will be changed after island compile time, as they're simply parameters.
@memberof island-generator
class IslandSettings{
@param {number} seed Seed for the island. Custom seeds must be set through the constructor, as many of the other default values are determined based on a {@link hash} of the seed modulus some constant. Defaults to a random number
Master seed
@type {number}
Island name. Defaults to a random selection from the {@link NAMES_LIST}
@type {string}
this.name = NAMES_LIST[hash(this.seed*this.seed)%NAMES_LIST.length];
Width of the island
@type {number}
this.size_x = 1024;
Height of the island
@type {number}
this.size_y = 1024;
For export purposes, determines if a background should be drawn
@type {boolean}
this.colour_background = true;
Deep ocean / background colour repersented in hexidecimal
@type {string}
this.DEEP_OCEAN = "#000770";
Shallow ocean colour repersented in hexidecimal
@type {string}
this.SHALLOW_OCEAN = "#0C49AC";
Low ground colour repersented in hexidecimal
@type {string}
this.LAND_ONE = "#587E31";
Middle ground colour repersented in hexidecimal
@type {string}
this.LAND_TWO = "#274C00";
High ground colour repersented in hexidecimal
@type {string}
this.LAND_THREE = "#173600";
Beach colour repersented in hexidecimal
@type {string}
this.BEACH = "#D0AB76";
Low rock colour repersented in hexidecimal
@type {string}
this.ROCK_ONE = "#959688";
High ground colour repersented in hexidecimal
@type {string}
this.ROCK_TWO = "#626354";
Low lava colour repersented in hexidecimal
@type {string}
this.LAVA_ONE = "#8B0000";
High lava colour repersented in hexidecimal
@type {string}
this.LAVA_TWO = "#FF8C00";
Village colour repersented in hexidecimal
@type {string}
this.VILLAGE = "#654321";
Time value to scale shadows by when exporting an image of the island.
@type {number}
this.time = 10;
//--------------------------------------PERLIN NOISE SETTINGS--------------------------------------
Boolean to repersent if an island should be generated with a motu. Default 50% chance.
@type {boolean}
this.HAS_MOTU = this.seed%2 === 0;
Boolean to repersent if an island should be generated with a reef. Default 50% chance, and must also have a motu.
@type {boolean}
this.HAS_REEF = this.HAS_MOTU && hash(this.seed-50)%2 === 0;
Boolean to repersent if an island should be generated as an atoll. Default 25% chance, and must also have a motu.
@type {boolean}
this.IS_ATOLL = this.HAS_MOTU && hash(this.seed-100)%4 === 0;
Boolean to repersent if an island should be generated with a volcano. Default 25% chance, and must also not have a motu.
@type {boolean}
this.IS_VOLCANO = !this.HAS_MOTU && hash(this.seed-66)%4 === 0;
Number to repersent state of village generation. Defaults to 0.
0 | Village should be, but hasn't yet been generated.
1 | No village should be generated.
-1 | Village has already been generated.
@type {number}
this.HAS_TOWN = 0;
Size of village. Affects both number of structures, and spread of structures. Defaults to 6.
@type {number}
this.village_size = 6;
Boolean to repersent if an island should have trees generated. Defaults to true.
@type {boolean}
this.HAS_TREES = true;
Amount of trees to generate, if tree generation is true. Defaults to 500.
@type {number}
this.tree_amt = 500;
Island persistence scaler. See {@link gen_noise_map} for more information. Defaults to 2.
@type {number}
this.ISL_PERSIST = 2;
Island lacunarity scaler. See {@link gen_noise_map} for more information. Defaults to 0.75.
@type {number}
this.ISL_LAC = 0.75;
Island scale scaler. See {@link gen_noise_map} for more information. Defaults to 25.
@type {number}
this.ISL_SCALE = 25;
Number of octaves of perlin noise to layer. See {@link gen_noise_map} for more information. Defaults to 8.
@type {number}
this.ISL_OCT = 8;
Motu persistence scaler. See {@link gen_noise_map} for more information. Defaults to 2.
@type {number}
this.MOTU_PERSIST = 2;
Motu lacunarity scaler. See {@link gen_noise_map} for more information. Defaults to 0.95.
@type {number}
this.MOTU_LAC = 0.95;
Motu scale scaler. See {@link gen_noise_map} for more information. Defaults to 500.
@type {number}
this.MOTU_SCALE = 500;
Number of octaves of perlin noise to layer for motus. See {@link gen_noise_map} for more information. Defaults to 1.
@type {number}
this.MOTU_OCT = 1;
Reef persistence scaler. See {@link gen_noise_map} for more information. Defaults to 2.
@type {number}
this.REEF_PERSIST = 2;
Reef lacunarity scaler. See {@link gen_noise_map} for more information. Defaults to 0.95.
@type {number}
this.REEF_LAC = 0.95;
Reef scale scaler. See {@link gen_noise_map} for more information. Defaults to 50.
@type {number}
this.REEF_SCALE = 50;
Number of octaves of perlin noise to layer for reefs. See {@link gen_noise_map} for more information. Defaults to 1.
@type {number}
this.REEF_OCT = 1;
Gradient of height minimax for motu generation. Initial height values between grad[0] and grad[1] will be raised to form the motu sandbars, while values between grad[2] and grad[3] will be lowered to form the motu lagoon.
@type {number[]}
this.MOTU_GRAD = [0.075,0.15,0.15,0.25];
Constant value to shrink motu and atoll based islands by. This is offset by motu generation.
@type {number}
this.ISL_SHRK = 0.25;
Mask range to allow specific regions of the island to be exempt from specifc generation by masking them.
@type {number}
this.ISL_MASK = [0.15,0.2];
//-------------------------------------ISLAND CLASS------------------------------------------
@class Island class. Repersents an island as well as generates it. Where all the magic happens.
@memberof island-generator
class Island{
Initializes all the needed data members, and runs the main generation methods
constructor(settings, LAC_SCALE_DOWN=1) {
Array of colours repersented in hexidecimal, which map one-to-one to the {@link display_data} data.
@type {string[]}
this.colours = [settings.DEEP_OCEAN, settings.SHALLOW_OCEAN, settings.LAND_ONE, settings.LAND_TWO, settings.LAND_THREE, settings.BEACH, settings.VILLAGE, settings.ROCK_ONE, settings.ROCK_TWO, settings.LAVA_ONE, settings.LAVA_TWO];
Settings ({@link IslandSettings}) for generation. Technically isn't const, but is never changed
@type {object}
this.settings = settings;
2D array of the raw height map data from generation. This isn't used for rendering, rather for interactivity. If you want to test an exact coordinate to see the height of the terrain for instance.
@type {number[]}
An array of rectangle verticies to be rendered. The most optimized way to re-render the island is to draw all of these rectangles, however soon this will be deprecated once I impliment static PNG rendering.
@type {array[]}
Storage for the HTML5 canvas element which contains the rendered rectangles making up the base layer of the island.
@type {object}
Storage for the HTML5 canvas element which contains the rendered rectangles making up the shadows layer of the island.
@type {object}
Exact copy of the passed seed
@type {number}
this.replicable_seed = settings.seed;
{@link hash} copy of the passed seed
@type {number}
this.seed = hash(settings.seed);
Coordinate x,y pair of the epicentre of the Island's village
@type {number[]}
this.town = [-1,-1];
Boolean to repersent if lava exists on the island
@type {boolean}
this.has_volcano = false;
Island name
@type {string}
this.name = settings.name;
Coordinate w,h pair to repersent the island's size
@type {number[]}
this.size = [settings.size_x,settings.size_y];
Lacunarity multiplier used under the hood for atoll/volcano generation types.
@type {number}
//Generate base noise map into raw_data
//Compress it by a pixel scale ratio
this.raw_data = this.compress(ISLAND_PIXEL_SCALE);
//Generate display data verticies
//Generate re-drawable canvas element for base layer
//Generate re-drawable canvas element for objects (trees, village, etc)
//Calculate and render shadows. Generate a re-drawable canvas element for them.
Smart compress by scale factor. Smart meaning that it tends to generate cleaner, more solid borders between colour boundries, and respects and preserves priority elements.
@param {number} factor Scale factor
@returns {number[]} A compressed noise map. See {@link raw_data} and {@link gen_noise_map}.
//Fast no-op
return this.raw_data;
//Get new size
const n_x = Math.floor(this.raw_data.length/factor);
const n_y = Math.floor(this.raw_data[0].length/factor);
//Initialize new array to 0s.
let comp = new Array(n_x);
for(let i=0;i<n_x;i++){
comp[i] = new Array(n_y);
for(let j=0;j<n_y;j++){
comp[i][j] = 0;
let a,b;
//Iterate over new array
for(let x=0;x<n_x;x++){
for(let y=0;y<n_y;y++){
//Iterate over nearby pixels
for(let xx=0;xx<factor;xx++){
for(let yy=0;yy<factor;yy++){
a = this.raw_data[x*factor+xx][y*factor+yy];
b = comp[x][y];
//copy highest priority pixel
comp[x][y] = colour_round(a) > colour_round(b) ? a : b;
return comp;
An optimization algorithm to convert 2d noise maps into colour separated arrays of rectangle verticies.
@param {number[]} raw_data noise map to operate on. Allows the island to copy another islands noise map.
this.display_data = new Array();
this.display_data[this.settings.SHALLOW_OCEAN] = new Array();
this.display_data[this.settings.LAND_ONE] = new Array();
this.display_data[this.settings.LAND_TWO] = new Array();
this.display_data[this.settings.LAND_THREE] = new Array();
this.display_data[this.settings.BEACH] = new Array();
this.display_data[this.settings.VILLAGE] = new Array();
this.display_data[this.settings.ROCK_ONE] = new Array();
this.display_data[this.settings.ROCK_TWO] = new Array();
this.display_data[this.settings.LAVA_ONE] = new Array();
this.display_data[this.settings.LAVA_TWO] = new Array();
let adjusted_height;
for(let x=0;x<raw_data.length;x++){
for(let y=0;y<raw_data[0].length;y++){
//Strip metadata
adjusted_height = (has_structure(raw_data[x][y]) ? strip_metadata(raw_data[x][y]) : raw_data[x][y] );
//Add cordinate pair to resepective colour array
else if(adjusted_height<0.3){
else if(adjusted_height < 0.35){
else if(adjusted_height < 0.45){
else if(adjusted_height < 0.6){
else if(adjusted_height < 0.75){
else if(adjusted_height < 0.885 && adjusted_height > 0.875){
else if(adjusted_height < 0.925){
else if(adjusted_height < 1.1){
//Merge neighbouring pixels of each colour into rectangles
let temp, strip, amt;
//iterate over every colour, c
for(let c=1;c<this.colours.length;c++){
temp = new Array();
//iterate over every pixel, p
for(let p=0;p<this.display_data[this.colours[c]].length;p++){
//create a 1x1 strip of that pixel
strip = [this.display_data[this.colours[c]][p][0],this.display_data[this.colours[c]][p][1]];
amt = 1;
//search nearby pixels
//if neighbouring pixels are the same colour, add one to the strip and continue searching
if(this.display_data[this.colours[c]][p][0] === this.display_data[this.colours[c]][p+1][0] &&
this.display_data[this.colours[c]][p][1]+1 === this.display_data[this.colours[c]][p+1][1]){
//Add the amount of pixels
//Add 1. This is for future compatibility with boxes instead of strips
//commit the strip to memory
//Insert strips into display data
this.display_data[this.colours[c]] = temp;
Generates a redrawable canvas object as a render layer for all objects. Objects such as villages, trees, buildings, sprites, anything image based coming from a file. This canvas is meant to be rendered as a layer over top of the base layer, and likely under shadow/lighting layers.
//Initialize canvas object
this.objects_img = document.createElement('canvas');
this.objects_img.width = this.size[0];
this.objects_img.height = this.size[1];
let ctx_img = this.objects_img.getContext("2d");
//Check that dependencies are initialized
if(this.town != undefined && this.town.length === 2 && this.objects!=undefined){
//Draw each object's image at the relavent coordinates on the canvas
for(let b=0; b < this.objects.length; b++){
ctx_img.drawImage(Island.graphics[this.objects[b][2]], this.objects[b][0] - Island.graphics[this.objects[b][2]].width/2, this.objects[b][1] - Island.graphics[this.objects[b][2]].height/2, Island.graphics[this.objects[b][2]].width, Island.graphics[this.objects[b][2]].height);
Wrapper algorithm to manipulate perlin noise maps into islands.
The real heart of the Island class.
Doesn't return, instead updates {@link raw_data}
//Reduces lacunarity when island doing atoll or volcano generation.
this.LAC_SCALE_DOWN = 0.8;
else if(this.settings.IS_VOLCANO){
this.LAC_SCALE_DOWN = 0.925;
//generate base perlin noise map. Interfaces with the Stefan Gustavson Perlin Noise class.
this.raw_data = gen_noise_map(this.size[0], this.size[1], this.settings.ISL_SCALE,this.settings.ISL_OCT,this.settings.ISL_PERSIST,this.settings.ISL_LAC*this.LAC_SCALE_DOWN,hash(this.seed), false);
//Choose a random quadrant to place a village
if(this.settings.HAS_TOWN === 0){
TOWN_SPAWN_X = hash(this.seed-23)%2 === 0;
TOWN_SPAWN_Y = hash(this.seed-24)%2 === 0;
//Initialize mask
let mapMASK = new Array(this.size[0]);
//Motu and styling
let motu_noise, reef_noise;
//Generate a separate noise map to generate motus with
motu_noise = gen_noise_map(this.size[0], this.size[1], this.settings.MOTU_SCALE,this.settings.MOTU_OCT,this.settings.MOTU_PERSIST,this.settings.MOTU_LAC,hash(this.seed+1));
motu_noise = normalize_2d_array(motu_noise,-2,1);
//Generate a separate noise map to generate reefs with
reef_noise = gen_noise_map(this.size[0], this.size[1], this.settings.REEF_SCALE,this.settings.REEF_OCT,this.settings.REEF_PERSIST,this.settings.REEF_LAC,hash(this.seed+2));
Main loop
Loop over every x,y coordinate and manipulate each individual pixel
for(let x=0;x<this.size[0];x++){
mapMASK[x] = new Array(this.size[1]);
for(let y=0;y<this.size[1];y++){
//Normalize pixel
this.raw_data[x][y] = normalize(this.raw_data[x][y], this.raw_data.minHeight, this.raw_data.maxHeight);
//Lower height value for atolls
this.raw_data[x][y] = normalize(this.raw_data[x][y], 0, 1.75);
//Raise the height value for larger islands
else if(this.size[0] >= 512){
this.raw_data[x][y] = normalize(this.raw_data[x][y], -0.5, 1);
//lower edges into the sea based on distance
this.raw_data[x][y] *= region_dist(x,y,this.size[0],this.size[1]);
//update mask
if(this.raw_data[x][y] > this.settings.ISL_MASK[0] && this.raw_data[x][y] < this.settings.ISL_MASK[1]){
mapMASK[x][y] = 1;
else if(this.raw_data[x][y] < this.settings.ISL_MASK[0]){
mapMASK[x][y] = 0.5;
else if(this.raw_data[x][y] < 0.35){
mapMASK[x][y] = 0.25;
mapMASK[x][y] = 0;
//Apply reef only styling
if(this.settings.HAS_REEF && !this.settings.HAS_MOTU){
//shrink visible land size
//cut away lagoon
if(this.raw_data[x][y] > this.settings.MOTU_GRAD[2] && this.raw_data[x][y] < this.settings.MOTU_GRAD[3]){
this.raw_data[x][y] -= 0.15;
//cut away water outside motus
if(mapMASK[x][y] === 0.5 && this.raw_data[x][y]<0.275){
//apply motu styling
//shrink visible land size
//cut away lagoon
if(this.raw_data[x][y] > this.settings.MOTU_GRAD[2] && this.raw_data[x][y] < this.settings.MOTU_GRAD[3]){
this.raw_data[x][y] -= 0.15;
//raise motus
else if(this.raw_data[x][y] > this.settings.MOTU_GRAD[0] && this.raw_data[x][y] < this.settings.MOTU_GRAD[1]){
this.raw_data[x][y] += motu_noise[x][y]*0.2;
//raise water inside motus
if(mapMASK[x][y] === 1){
//cut away water outside motus
else if(mapMASK[x][y] === 0.5 && this.raw_data[x][y]<0.275){
//apply main reef styling
if(mapMASK[x][y] === 0.25){
this.raw_data[x][y] += reef_noise[x][y] > 0.55 ? 0.15 : 0;
//Apply volcano styling by raising high points higher
this.raw_data[x][y] *= (this.settings.HAS_MOTU||this.settings.HAS_REEF) ? 1.355 : 1.255;
//normalize deep water to a constant
this.raw_data[x][y] = 0.05;
//Update volcano/lava tracker
this.has_volcano = true;
//Check for potential village generation spot
if(this.settings.HAS_TOWN === 0){
//Check if height is correct
if(Math.abs(this.raw_data[x][y]-(STRUCTURE_META/100))<0.01 && ( TOWN_SPAWN_X ? (x > this.size[0]/2) : (x < this.size[0]/2) ) && ( TOWN_SPAWN_Y ? (y > this.size[1]/2) : (y < this.size[1]/2) ) ){
//Spawn village
this.settings.HAS_TOWN = -1;
this.town = [x,y];
//Generate objects
this.objects = new Array();
if(this.settings.HAS_TOWN === -1){
//Generate village structures
let town_buildings = this.settings.village_size;
//Set atleast one village object to be sprite 0
if(this.objects.length <= 3 && this.objects.length > 0){
this.objects[0][2] = 0;
//Generate trees
let numTrees = this.settings.tree_amt;
//Generate small bushes
let numPlants = Math.floor(this.settings.tree_amt/4);
Generates a set number of "objects", sprites at locations. Instead of returning, updates {@link objects}
@param {number} graphicStart Index 0 of {@link graphics} to sample sprite from
@param {number} graphicShift Index n of {@link graphics} to sample sprite from
@param {number} numObj Number of objects to generate
@param {number} spreadX X axis spread value. How far from objects must be from other objects. If set to -1, an optimal value is calculated based on sprite and pixel size.
@param {number} spreadY Y axis spread value. How far from objects must be from other objects. If set to -1, an optimal value is calculated based on sprite and pixel size.
@param {number} rangeMin Minimum height value prospective object spawn coordinates must be
@param {number} rangeMax Maximum height value prospective object spawn coordinates must be
@param {number} hashShift Hash seed
@param {number} originX Origin x coordinate to spawn objects around
@param {number} originY Origin y coordinate to spawn objects around
//Calculate optimum x and y spreads
spreadX = (spreadX===-1 ? Math.floor(this.size[0]/SPRITE_SIZE/ISLAND_PIXEL_SCALE/2) : spreadX);
spreadY = (spreadY===-1 ? Math.floor(this.size[1]/SPRITE_SIZE/ISLAND_PIXEL_SCALE/2) : spreadY);
let shift = 0;
let obj_coord;
let a,b,c;
let len = this.objects.length;
//Iterate once for every intended object
for(let t=len;t<numObj+len;t++){
//Repeatedly search for valid coordinates
//Calculate prosepctive x coordinate
a = hash(hash(this.seed-12)-(t+shift))%spreadX-Math.floor(spreadX/2);
//Adjust x coordinate
//Calculate prosepctive y coordinate
b = hash(hash(this.seed-13)-(t+shift+hashShift))%spreadY-Math.floor(spreadY/2);
//Adjust y coordinate
//Pick random sprite from selection
c = hash(hash(this.seed-13)-(t+shift+hashShift))%graphicShift + graphicStart;
this.objects[t] = [a,b,c];
//Check range of coordinates
if(a < 0 || a >= this.size[0]*3/4 || b < 0 || b >= this.size[1]*3/4){
obj_coord = -1;
obj_coord = this.raw_data[a][b];
//Continue looping on bad coordinate
while((obj_coord > rangeMax || obj_coord < rangeMin || obj_coord===-1) && shift < 200 + numObj*2);
//Remove last object if no valid coordinate was found
if(shift >= numObj*2){
//Set relavent shadow meta data for object
Sets relavent shadow meta data for objects. Instead of returning, updates {@link raw_data}
@param {number[]} shadow Object data to cast shadow
//Ensure object can cast shadow
if(Island.graphics[shadow[2]].shadowScale < 0.05){
//Draw diagnal line of predetermined width
let scl = 3 / Island.graphics[shadow[2]].shadowScale;
for(let x=Math.floor(Island.graphics[shadow[2]].width/(-1*scl));x<Math.floor(Island.graphics[shadow[2]].width/scl);x++){
for(let y=Math.floor(Island.graphics[shadow[2]].height/(-1*scl));y<Math.floor(Island.graphics[shadow[2]].height/scl);y++){
if(Math.abs(x+y) <= 2 ){
//Salt data with structure meta data
this.raw_data[shadow[0]+x][shadow[1]+y] += STRUCTURE_META;
Bakes a diagnal pixel strip of lighting data. Renders shadows by directly drawing semi-transparent black squares to a passed ctx img object.
@param {number} maxsize Max distance of rendered strip
@param {number} y Y coordinate in world to start strip from
@param {object} ctx_img A 2d context to directly render shadows to.
bake_strip(maxsize, y, ctx_img){
let peak, nextpeak, h, hn, xx,yy;
peak = undefined;
nextpeak = undefined;
//Iterate along the ray
for(let x=0;x<maxsize;x+=ISLAND_PIXEL_SCALE){
//Calculate ray coordinates
xx = Math.floor(x/ISLAND_PIXEL_SCALE);
yy = Math.floor(y/ISLAND_PIXEL_SCALE) + xx;
//Bounds checks
if(xx+1 >= this.raw_data.size || xx <= 0 || this.raw_data===undefined || this.raw_data[xx+1] ===undefined || yy+1 >= this.raw_data[xx+1].size || yy <= 0 ){
//Looks up height data for current pixel as well as next pixel for comparison
h = this.raw_data[xx][yy];
hn = this.raw_data[xx+1][yy+1];
//Compares pixels to check if pixel is a peak that should cast shadows
if(colour_round(h) > colour_round(hn) && (colour_round(hn) > 2 || colour_round(h)===4)){
//Check to see if pixel should have a shadow rendered
if( peak!=undefined && (colour_round(peak[2]) > 2 && colour_round(peak[2]) > colour_round(h) || ( colour_round(peak[2])===4 && colour_round(h)===4) )){
//Render shadow pixel
ctx_img.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, "+get_lighting(peak,[xx*ISLAND_PIXEL_SCALE,yy*ISLAND_PIXEL_SCALE,h],this.settings.time)+")";
peak = nextpeak;
Generates the lighting canvas element. Instead of returning, updates {@link lighting_img}
//Create canvas elements
let ctx_img;
this.lighting_img = document.createElement("canvas");
this.lighting_img.width = this.size[0];
this.lighting_img.height = this.size[1];
ctx_img = this.lighting_img.getContext("2d");
Bake each strip or ray.
This is done in a separate function to allow for potential pseudo-multithreading. If lighting needs to be baked in real time, this function can be called on an interval, instead of directly in a loop.
let maxsize = Math.max(this.size[0],this.size[1])-ISLAND_PIXEL_SCALE;
for(let y=maxsize*-1;y<maxsize;y+=ISLAND_PIXEL_SCALE){
this.bake_strip(maxsize,y, ctx_img);
Renders base layer island to a ctx object
@param {number} c colour to render
@param {object} ctx_img 2d canvas context to render colour strips to
//Set colour
ctx_img.fillStyle = this.colours[c];
//Iterate over rectangles
for(let p=0;p<this.display_data[this.colours[c]].length;p++){
ctx_img.fillRect(this.display_data[this.colours[c]][p][0]*ISLAND_PIXEL_SCALE, this.display_data[this.colours[c]][p][1]*ISLAND_PIXEL_SCALE, this.display_data[this.colours[c]][p][3]*ISLAND_PIXEL_SCALE, this.display_data[this.colours[c]][p][2]*ISLAND_PIXEL_SCALE);
Generates the base layer canvas element. Instead of returning, updates {@link canvas_img}
//Create canvas element
this.canvas_img = document.createElement('canvas');
this.canvas_img.width = this.size[0];
this.canvas_img.height = this.size[1];
let ctx_img = this.canvas_img.getContext("2d");
Render each colour.
This is done in a separate function to allow for potential pseudo-multithreading. If rendering needs to be done in real time, this function can be called on an interval, instead of directly in a loop.
for(let c=1;c<this.colours.length;c++){
Compiles an entire island object into a static raw PNG datastream. This can be downloaded as a PNG file, or rendered directly through the browser, instead of going through the canvas interface.
@param {boolean} objects If objects such as village structures and trees should be included
@param {boolean} lighting If the lighting layer should be included
@returns A static PNG datastream
//Create a temporary canvas element
let saved_img=document.createElement("canvas");
saved_img.width = this.size[0];
saved_img.height = this.size[1];
let img_ctx = saved_img.getContext("2d");
//Fill background colour
img_ctx.fillStyle = this.settings.DEEP_OCEAN;
//Render base layer
//Render lighting shadow layer
//Render objects
//Render lighting gradient overlay
//Generate gradient through JS
let grad = img_ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,this.size[0],this.size[1]);
grad.addColorStop(1, "#FF000040");
grad.addColorStop(0.5, "#FF000080");
grad.addColorStop(0, "#FFC922FF");
img_ctx.globalAlpha = Math.max(this.settings.time-35,0)/120;
img_ctx.fillStyle = grad;
//Convert canvas to a PNG datastream
return saved_img.toDataURL("image/png").replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream");
Downloads an image of the island. Utilizes {@link downloadStaticPNG} and {@link compileStaticImage}
@param {boolean} objects If objects such as village structures and trees should be included
@param {boolean} lighting If the lighting layer should be included
downloadStaticPNG(this.compileStaticImage(objects,lighting),this.name.replace(' ','-').replace('\'','')+".png");
Downloads an the lighting as a spritesheet. Utilizes {@link downloadStaticPNG} and {@link compileStaticBakedShadows}
@param {boolean} objects If objects such as village structures and trees should be included
@param {boolean} lighting If the lighting layer should be included
downloadStaticPNG(this.compileStaticBakedShadows(),this.name.replace(' ','-').replace('\'','')+"-lighting.png");
Renders shadows out at an interval into a spritesheet
@returns a static PNG datastream
//Create temporary canvas element for spritesheet
let saved_img=document.createElement("canvas");
saved_img.width = this.size[0]*10;
saved_img.height = this.size[1];
let img_ctx = saved_img.getContext("2d");
//Iterate over time intervals and re-bake lighting for each, saving as a seprate frame
for(let t=0;t<10;t++){
return saved_img.toDataURL("image/png").replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream");
Storage for image sprites
@type {object[]}
Island.graphics = new Array();
//Set each image to a canvas image element
for(let img = 0; img<8; img++){
Island.graphics[img] = new Image();
//To bypass browser crossorigin security measures
Number of sprites related to villages. For sorting purposes
@type {number}
Island.numVillageGraphics = 3;
Island.graphics[0].src = "assets/town/fale.png";
Island.graphics[0].shadowScale = 0.8;
Island.graphics[1].src = "assets/town/fale2.png";
Island.graphics[1].shadowScale = 0.8;
Island.graphics[2].src = "assets/town/stones.png";
Island.graphics[2].shadowScale = 0;
//Island.graphics[3].src = "assets/town/chief-fale.png"; //I just don't think this sprite I made looks any good
//Island.graphics[3].shadowScale = 0.8;
Number of sprites related to trees. For sorting purposes
@type {number}
Island.numTreeGraphics = 3;
Index of first sprite related to trees. For sorting purposes
@type {number}
Island.shiftTreeGraphics = 4;
Island.graphics[4].src = "assets/trees/coconut-tree.png";
Island.graphics[4].shadowScale = 1;
Island.graphics[5].src = "assets/trees/coconut-tree2.png";
Island.graphics[5].shadowScale = 1;
Island.graphics[6].src = "assets/trees/coconut-tree3.png";
Island.graphics[6].shadowScale = 1;
Number of sprites related to plants. For sorting purposes
@type {number}
Island.numPlantGraphics = 1;
Index of first sprite related to plants. For sorting purposes
@type {number}
Island.shiftPlantGraphics = 7;
Island.graphics[7].src = "assets/trees/taro.png";
Island.graphics[7].shadowScale = 0.25;